Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Moving to First Grade

It is hard to believe that I finished my 7th year teaching Kindergarten.  Believe me when I say I have learned a lot and have truly grown into the teacher/leader I want to be. If you know me you know that I am never content unless I have a challenge, hence me applying for my National Board Certificate after only 3 years of teaching, going back to school to get my admin certificate while having a baby and being pregnant, and now moving to FIRST GRADE with 3 little ones at home.

Being pregnant with TWINS and preparing to move to first grade wasn't something that I was looking forward too, but the planner that I am started to plan. Step one was cleaning out my cabinets and boxing everything up.  Good thing the neighbor has 3 girls who are always eager to help, so in exchange for me bringing them home they stayed with me after school a couple of days a week. We would take everything out of the cabinet and make piles one that stayed in the room and one that would go to first.  We would label the cabinets "staying" and "first grade" and load everything back into the cabinet.

Once we got closer to the end of school the teachers whose room I was moving into started to clean out her cabinets.  She was the third teacher in this room and had only been in their for one year.  She warned me that nothing was organized and things were just thrown into the cabinets. Most of the cabinets she had never opened.  So before I could move my stuff in I had to organize what was already there.  Again the girls helped me put manipulatives in plastic containers and move thing around so each content area had its own cabinet.  For the bigger stuff and to make things quicker Jamie went to school with me 2 nights and moved the shelves to accommodate my storage bins and move a lot of stuff at one time. He's good like that. :-)

All along my goal was to make it to the end of school year (these boys were going to be born in June)! So I also periodically stood in the middle of my classroom and would take pictures of the room.  Towards the end I would label the pictures with what needed to go to first grade and what was staying.  It turned out to be a 12 page document. The day before school let out I was told that I was dilated 5cm, they didn't send me to labor and delivery but I knew that I needed to move the furniture out of my room (just in case) so my dad went to school with me and moved all of the big stuff into my new room.  I didn't feel comfortable being at school on that last day so I took the day off. :-(  I sent that 12 page document to my co-workers, just in case.  Well those babies didn't come and I got tired of being at home on the couch so I went to work Friday.  In exchange for lunch Caitlin went with me to help me move the last of my stuff. We even had time to put paper on a couple of bulletin boards and move the furniture so I had an idea of the space I was looking at.  Everyone thought I was crazy and they came up with code words if I went into labor.

So it is official I am now a FIRST GRADE TEACHER!!

**sorry this post doesn't have any pictures. i forgot to take some before i left school.  i will update with pictures come august.**

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