Monday, July 10, 2017

I think I am addicted...

So it's no surprise that with three kids I have become slightly addicted to caffeine more specifically coffee; Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee the ones in the bottles you can buy at Target or the grocery store. But at $2.50 each it was becoming a very expensive habit.

So I have decided that I'm going to start making ice coffee at home. I mentioned this to Amanda, she told me about this fabulous kitchen gadget. So in the amazon cart it went and it arrived last week. I have made three batches of ice coffee. It is not as good as the Dunkin' Donuts Coffee but it is definitely cheaper.

Here is the recipe I used...3 cups of water in a mason jar. Fill the mesh strainer with 3/4 of a cup of ground coffee. Put the strainer inside mason jars screw on the lid and let it sit overnight. The next morning I added a half a cup of half-and-half and you can do either a third a cup of sugar or I did 3 tablespoons of agava nector. Mix it all together and pour over ice.

Now the first day I had about half of the mason jar. (Don't judge) It wasn't the same as the Dunkin but it was still good. I do have to say that the next day it was better, all the ingredients got to merry together. So I suggest making a couple batches ahead of time. Or use a bigger jar ;-). It keeps for a while when you keep it in the fridge.

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