Thursday, July 6, 2017

Adding Assignments in Google Classroom

So you have set up your google classroom and are now ready to start adding assignments.  Perfect!!

1. To add an assignment click on the "+" in the lower right hand corner of your classroom.  If you don't see it make sure you are looking at your stream not students or about.

2. From there you get many different option for assignment types.  If you are adding a "slides" document then click "assignment".  This is what I use with my kiddos 90% of the time.

3. From there you need to give your assignment a title. I recommend you number all of your Google Classroom assignments. Start EACH assignment with a number such as #001, #002, etc… This makes is really easy to refer students to the correct spot in Google Classroom. This is also helpful since you are unable to reorder assignments and announcements in the stream. You also can determine who will see this assignment (great for differentiation!!) Finally you need to attach your document that will become your assignment.  You can upload into classroom from your computer, Google Drive, YouTube, or you can even attach a link to an outside website. All of my assignments are stored on Google Drive. 

4. VERY IMPORTANT STEP!!!! Once your assignment is attached you can change how students will view and interact with the document/link.  If I am using "slides" I want each student to have their own copy of the document so that they can manipulate it and not change my original.  In order to do this you need to change the circled drop down box to say "Make a copy for each student".  Then hit assign. 

5. Your assignment will now appear in your stream.

I hope this helps get you started with Google Classroom.  If you have any questions please feel free to comment or send me an email. 

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