Thursday, February 1, 2018

Teaching: Gearing Up for the Aquarium


Next week we go to the Aquarium so this week and next we are going to be learning about aquatic animals.  We started our unit off today by reading Swimmy by Leo Lionni.

Here is how our study of this book will go.

Day 1:

  • read the story to the whole class with little discussion
  • reread pages 1-19 with the purpose of identifying the characters and setting
  • students will then draw/write who the main character is and what the setting is (collect papers)
Day 2:

  • reread pages 1-19 and identify the characters and setting
  • continue reading the rest of the story with the purpose of identifying the problem and solution.
  • give students their papers back from yesterday, on the back they will draw/write the problem and solution (collect papers again)
Day 3:

  • Students will get into groups based on the shape on their paper
  • while in groups they will discuss the main character/setting
  • then discuss the problem/solution
I can't wait to see their learning shown through writing. This is something we have not done much of. You can grab a FREE copy of our 4 corners activity here.

Friday, January 12, 2018

teaching: Indoor Recess and Brain Breaks


It has been pretty cold here the last couple of days and with the cold come snow (yea!!!) and indoor recess. For indoor recess I offer my students 5 choices; computer, watch a movie, color in coloring books, read or do a puzzle. On days we have indoor recess we always need a few more brain breaks.  Here is a list of 10 of my kiddos favorite.

1. The Crazy Frog

2. The Sid Shuffle

3. Just Mario

4. Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride

5. Happy Feet Move It

6. If your a kid Dance Around

7. Let it Go

8. Happy

9. Shake Break

10. Ants in you Pants